Margaret Got a Job With North Ayrshire Council
Creating an Action Plan of Support
Margaret was referred to CEIS Ayrshire by her work coach at the start of last year for employability support. Margaret and Steven met in the Stevenston office. We created an action plan of support for Margaret to support her back into employment.
Initially Margaret was looking for a part-time role in retail. Margaret had a young daughter who as not due to start nursery until August this year. We referred Margaret onto the Skills & Qualities workshop with our training team. This was to give Margaret more knowledge and confidence ahead of attending an interview in the future. We also booked Margaret onto the Covid 19 – safe workplaces online course as well and she came into the office to work through these. Steven, Margaret’s Key Worker provided her with support if required.
Steven arranged regular appointments in the Stevenston office. Margaret worked through a variety of online courses that were relevant to the role that she was looking to find employment in. These included the Health & Safety in the Workplace, Customer Service, Manual Handling, Slips, trips and falls and COSHH. Margaret made good progress with these courses and Steven supported her with these when she needed some help.
Getting an Interview with North Ayrshire Council
In August, Margaret was able to source a nursery placement for her daughter. Around the same time Margaret had seen a vacancy for a Facilities Assistant role in West Kilbride on the My Job Scotland site. Steven supported Margaret with her application and submitted this the same day. North Ayrshire Council invited Margaret to an interview the following week. Steven arranged to help Margaret prepare for her interview to ensure that she was feeling confident.
Margaret received feedback from the interview that the vacancy in West Kilbride was too far from where she lives so her application wasn’t going to progress any further for this vacancy. They added Margaret onto their bank staff list and if any vacancies came up closer to home, then they would notify her.
At the beginning of this year, Margaret was contacted and was offered the role of Facilities Assistant at Auchenharvie School. Margaret had a variety of forms that she needed to complete before starting and we supported her with this. Once Margaret’s PVG check came back this then gave Margaret the green light to start her new job. This enabled her to work around her daughter’s nursery hours which she was delighted with.