
CEIS Ayrshire

Improving Clients Confidence with One to One Interview Sessions.

We had a client that initially wanted to get back into joinery or hands on type of work, but through working with ourselves, it helped him to open up his mindset to other types of positions. We assisted him in creating a new CV, he attended workshops, and was able to gain his customer service qualification when he was with us. The client felt that the one-to-one interview sessions he got from us really helped with his interview skills, we worked on this a few times and it really helped with his confidence.

He attended an Interview with North Ayrshire Council for Joinery and although he was unsuccessful, felt it was the best interview he has done to date and when asking for feedback the employer advised his interview was great, he was only unsuccessful due to someone else having more experience. The client felt he had learnt to take positives alongside negative when it comes to Interviews.

Using his new interview skills and open mindset to different types of positions, he went to an interview with Affinity Trust and has now started working in the care sector, which he wasn’t expecting but is really enjoying his job at the moment.

Feedback received from the client:

What skills have you gained/improved upon, whilst on the programme?

“I’ve gained improvements with speech and interview situations, also gained a qualification that will help me in several job roles and also with confidence and taking the positives on board rather than just negatives”

Do you believe CEIS Ayrshire has improved your chances of finding employment?

“Definitely I got a job really fast after having new interview knowledge”

Do you feel you were supported by your advisor?

“I do and I am thankful to have had the help and meet someone who was able to get me into a job and understand what I needed to improve on”