
CEIS Ayrshire

Donald Secured a Job With a Local Company In Irvine as a Class 2 Driver.

We provide various services to support people back into work such as workshops for interview skills, CV building, effect job searching and many more. Lindsay is one of our Key workers at CEIS Ayrshire and she has shared how she recently supported one of her clients back into work.

Support Provided to Donald.

Donald came to us from the DWP, he hadn’t worked for over a year and was very low on confidence. He had lost his home, was struggling to get back on track and feeling isolated after lockdown. I referred him to Salus for support with his mental health.

Donald started volunteering at a local charity called Hillhouse through us, where he did very well. He attended all available workshops and had one to one appointments with me, as well as undertaking some Basic IT training.

His confidence grew through this process. The volunteering and face to face workshops helped him feel less isolated and he started to feel more in control.

Progressing to Employment.

Donald progressed to Stage 3 and was working his way through his action plan. Keith Mason is the Business Services and Development Manager for CEIS Ayrshire. He informed us of a vacancy for a Class 2 driver with a local company in Irvine. As Donald had his Class 2 licence, he was happy to be put forward for this vacancy and was interviewed and offered the job.

He has now been there for a month and is getting on very well and has since come back to us to complete his First Aid at Work course.

If you are looking for work or need employability support, please contact us