
CEIS Ayrshire

Ayrshire Chef Gains Employment

Registering with CEIS Ayrshire

Jason was referred to CEIS Ayrshire by his Job Centre Adviser in May 2022. He had only been unemployed for a month due to a loss of funding in his previous role. Jason was employed with North Ayrshire Council and the Foodbank. He helped deliver cooking skills to young people and their families.

Jason is a Chef to trade and was keen to find employment in the same sector. His confidence had taken a blow, but he was keen on improving this. He had been working on his CV but required a bit of support to finalise it.

During our first meeting we set Jason`s action plan. We agreed that a Confidence workshop and the 25+ Hub Group would be beneficial for Jason. He attended the Zoom Confidence workshop a few days later and the following week he joined another 10 clients for the start of the 25+ Hub Group.

Joining Our Employability Hub

Within the Hub Group Jason undertook many face-to-face workshops such as, Skills and Qualities, Resilience, Elevator Pitch, STAR Technique and Effective Job Searching. He also went on to complete accredited courses – First Aid at Work, Level 2 Food Safety in Catering and Supervising Food Safety Level 3.

At the end of June, we finalised Jason`s CV and added in the new accredited courses. We worked with our Business Services team and sent his CV for a few vacancies. Unfortunately, he didn’t hear back from them.

As Jason was work ready, we referred him over to our Business Services Team where we supported him in applying for another local restaurant.

In August we spoke to Jason about the North Ayrshire Council Facilities vacancies, and he was keen to apply. He was interviewed and offered a position straight away. Jason started in the kitchen in Auchenharvie Academy in September. Although he was nervous about starting the new job, he has been enjoying the new challenge.