CEIS Ayrshire

Donald Secured a Job With a Local Company In Irvine as a Class 2 Driver.

We provide various services to support people back into work such as workshops for interview skills, CV building, effect job searching and many more. Lindsay is one of our Key workers at CEIS Ayrshire and she has shared how she recently supported one of her clients back into work. Support Provided to Donald. Donald came

CEIS Ayrshire

Rosie Received Support From our Over 25 hub and Gained Employment

Rosie’s work coach from the Irvine Job Centre referred her to CEIS Ayrshire in November 2021. Rosie has Autism and was diagnosis from a young age and she explained that this affects her anxiety. She wanted to find employment in Retail but didn’t want to work somewhere that was very busy, fast paced or with

CEIS Ayrshire

Andrew Secured a Job the Same Day he was Interviewed

When Andrew first started with CEIS Ayrshire he had recently just finished college and was unsure of what his next steps would be. During the initial registration we identified that Andrew needed support with CV building, confidence building and help to prepare for any upcoming interviews. To help build Andrew’s confidence he was referred to

CEIS Ayrshire

Helping Stuart with his Anxiety and Supporting him into Work

Stuart registered with CEIS Ayrshire at the beginning of June following a referral from Irvine Job Centre. He had been a Baker to trade for over 30 years and had been made redundant in April. Stuart`s mental health and confidence had taken a knock as he didn’t know where to start to look for new

CEIS Ayrshire

Improving Clients Confidence with One to One Interview Sessions.

We had a client that initially wanted to get back into joinery or hands on type of work, but through working with ourselves, it helped him to open up his mindset to other types of positions. We assisted him in creating a new CV, he attended workshops, and was able to gain his customer service